To fix the problem with any corrupted video files, you can follow these troubleshooting tips. There are lots of cases in which problems with the corrupted or missing video files on your computer can lead to the game or its content failing to load properly.

To accomplish this, you must update your Steam software. It is additionally recommended that you update your Steam software before the launch of the game and check for the issue. Finally, reboot your PC to apply changes and launch the game again.Wait for some time to install the update > Once done, make sure to close the Steam client.If there is an update available, make sure to click on Update. It’ll automatically search for the available update.Open the Steam client > Go to Library > Click on Project Zomboid from the left pane.Players are reporting that their friends can see their modded region on their map, although not everyone can. In some cases, modded maps are not fully compatible with the Project Zomboid minimap. Also, if you are using modified maps, you may run into this challenge. Start with changing the map choice in the options menu of the in-game maps tab. Now, without further ado, let’s get on with this. Developers are working to resolve this problem, so ensure that you follow the directions below to avoid running into it. It appears that in at least one instance modded maps are not coinciding with the actual game due to a bug or an important stability issue. If you are experiencing problems with the Project Zomboid map not loading or showing up, there are a few things that you can do to try and fix the issue.

Tweak Modded Map Files How to Fix Project Zomboid Map Not Showing or Loading How to Fix Project Zomboid Map Not Showing or Loading.